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Le Crayon - Arkham, Shanghai

In 2014, adidas Originals continues its tradition of celebrating originality with a string of heavy hitting international DJ events throughout China – the "superstars" electronic party series. 

The "superstars" electronic party series is about creating an electric space in which the essence of originality, creativity, and music intertwine under the limelight of world-acclaimed electronic DJs.The "superstars" series will kick off this year with a performance by young French disco wizard Le Crayon signed to the world renown label Kitsune Maison. At only 21 years of age, his music tastes are far beyond his years and his peers from around the world have heralded him as a musical beacon of light providing a smorgasbord of styles, sounds and mayhem to get Shanghai’s heals clicking.

The "superstars" series is here to bring out the super star within each and every person. Through the universal language of music, adidas Originals hopes to bring people together to channel energy, creativity, and originality under the tradition of the adidas Originals brand. In order to create a unique and eclectic event, adidas Originals is working alongside China’s most prominent event promoters S.T.D. to bring to life a party that will not only combine music lovers, street fashionistas, and party goers from all different scenes to celebrate under one roof but also to celebrate the originality of music itself. 

Support: STDJs
Date: April 25th, Friday,10pm
Venue: Arkham, 1 South Wulumuqi Road

adidas Originals 潮流电音派对-“superstars”ft. LE CRAYON [Kitsune, FR] 

向来将推崇原创精神视为己任的adidas Originals在今年入夏时分携巴黎新晋制作人/DJ Le Crayon 到访Arkham,再度为各位电音爱好者们献上“Superstars”潮流电音派对。 

“Superstars”派对集合原创、潮流、DJ、音乐等多种元素于一体,去年已席卷北京、成都、深圳、上海等地,今年强势回归带来Le Crayon这位法国电子少年天才。和很多新晋电子音乐人一样,在职业生涯早期,Le Crayon一样用大量的卧室计划轰炸网络,其中不乏惊为天人的非官方remix,其后获得法国电子大牌Yuksek关注,受邀为他和The Magician的单曲“Memory”制作remix,除了这两位大哥级人物外,Le Crayon还与Treasure Fingers、Jupiter、Crystal Fighters、Anoraak这些前辈打得火热。 

Le Crayon在音乐上的独一无二和个性闪耀与“Superstars”派对的精神极度契合,此番adidas Originals联合沪上头号独立音乐派对组织S.T.D.共同推出这场尽情迸发潮流电音能量的派对,更是希望激发每个派对动物们内心的无穷创意。届时,身处这场派对的你会和城中各路潮流时尚达人汇聚一堂,在最劲的电子乐里通过自己的方式将adidas Originals一直所强调的原创态度表现得淋漓尽致。 

Support: STDJs

Later Event: May 15
A-TRAK - Lantern, Beijing