Since we first founded in 2007, S.T.D has implemented an achievable number of projects to help brands spread their influence on their desired markets, and connect with their targeted audience. 

 Here are Some examples of our past projects.


Willow Smith for Mo&co. ‘s 15th anniversary afterparty

For MO&Co. 's 15th anniversary ceremony held in Shanghai this August, S.T.D. brought modern wopkoo electronic artist Willow Smith to the afterparty show. All the guests are being attached to the performance which showed youth culture of realness and true self in the space consist of electronic rock music, paying tribute to the 15th anniversary of MO&Co.

MO&Co.品牌15周年大秀8月落地上海船舶馆。STD为秀后After Party带来当代wopkoo先锋电子音乐人、人气偶像Willow Smith。所有到场的嘉宾化身迷妹,把真实、自我的youth culture在电音摇滚空间中展现,共同致敬MO&Co.15周年。


DUA LIPA AND IBEYI FOR Mademoiselle Privé exhibition Shanghai

The CHANEL Mademoiselle Privé exhibition is making a stopover in Shanghai where it will be presented from April 20th 2019 in the West Bund Art. As a long term collaborator of chanel, we assist Chanel to bring grammy winner Dua Lipa and the Ibeyi sisters to perform on the grand opening party.

The CHANEL Mademoiselle Privé 展览再4月份迎来了上海站,这次展览是香奈儿今年在上海的重要时装活动之一。作为Chanel长期合作伙伴,我们为展览的开幕派对带来了格莱美获奖歌手Dua Lipa 及法国新生代音乐人Ibeyi 作为开幕派对演出嘉宾。



Curated by S.T.D. BUDX, lifestyle project of Budweiser joined forces with the well known streetwear authority UNDEFEATED on a special collaborative capsule collection . Starting with the ideals of empowering people to attain victory at all costs, the collection merges the iconic military colorway from undefeated with Budweiser’s famous bowtie logo. This collaboration is well received among media and influencers.

S.T.D. 策划,百威啤酒旗下⽣活⽅式项目BUDX 与全球知名潮流买⼿店及潮流品牌UNDEFEATED⾸次推出联名合作系列,系列于上海新天地 IT举办限时快闪店。该系列以“永不⾔言败”精神为起点,以UNDEFEATED标志性的军事迷彩配⾊和百威啤酒的经典红⾊LOGO作为本次设计的主灵感,除了在T恤、帽衫、鸭舌帽等潮流单品中加入百威红点睛,百威啤酒杯、开瓶器等经典潮流配件也被全新加⼊了UNDEFEATED的街头设计元素。数⼗家潮流媒体与KOL出席了Pop-up预览活动。

Drinks&Co. “This one is on me” Program

Gifting Design and Seeding

S.T.D. designed a special summer gifting pack for “This one is on me”program under Pernod Richard’s new online lifestyle platform”Drinks&co.” The pack was seeded to more than 100 influencers and archived a wide exposure on social media.


NikeBasketball x S.T.D."I GOT NEXT" Collaboration

NikeBasketball collaborated with series of influential organizations from different industries to boost its 2017 summer campaign “I GOT NEXT”.

Representing the music industry, S.T.D. produced a limited version “I GOT NEXT” handbag as a support for the campaign.

The handbag is sold on S.T.D.’s online store and has become this summer’s fashion must-have.

NikeBasketball 联手影响力行业,推出一系列联名产品助阵2017“下个我上”季度主题。

S.T.D. 与NikeBasketball推出 [下个我上] 联名手包,长久以来支持独立音乐人的我们作为这群音乐英雄的代表希望借此将这份[无畏挑战,踏出第一步]的精神传递下去,激励更多新鲜的声音出现在音乐以及整个文艺产业中。

NikeBasketball x S.T.D「下个我上」在S.T.D.淘宝店发售,限量50款,已成为各大潮流人士的新宠是今夏必备的流行单品。

SONOS AND GORILLAZ Immersive Music Experience "SPIRIT HOUSE" 

Sonos, the home sound system, has teamed up with Gorillaz to create Spirit Houses in celebration of the band’s new album “Humanz.”
After New York, Berlin and Amsterdam, Sonos brought the immersive Fan Experiences which highlight its produce PLAYBASE to Shanghai. The pop-up project was in Jingan Kerry Centre, Shanghai, 1st June to 4th June, 2017.
As the leading music and PR agency, S.T.D. was in charge of the event’s marketing and media promotion.
We invited over 30 leading media companies whose expertise varies from music to lifestyle and culture. The media coverage continued consistently throughout the whole campaign including pre-event exposures event-live reportsand after event features. 
After the announcement on 31st May, the reservation system was fully booked within 24 hours. Until 4th June we have generated over 27 Million media impressions.
Meanwhile, we invited over 50 influencers as the special guests of the project. They delivered the concept of the event to their followers on social media and created further influence of the event, branding the brand as a high-tech must have in modern chic life. 

继纽约、柏林、阿姆斯特丹以后,Spirit House沉浸式音乐体验项目在2017年6月1日至6月4日来到上海静安嘉里中心与中国乐迷相见。

Adidas The Original Party Series

In 2017, Adidas is planning to throw 16 Original Parties to China's top 4 cities including Beijing/ Shanghai/ Chengdu/ Guangzhou across four seasons.

The sub-culture leading promoter S.T.D. will cooperate with Adidas to represent the most creative and authentic party experience that delivers adidas Originals's 2017 campaign "Original is never finished".

The spring theme is Aspire to Inspire, in this season we brought LA producer Nosaj Thing to BJ and SH.

2017 Adidas 将在北京/上海/成都/广州每个城市举办4个季节派对,横跨春夏秋冬并同时呼应品牌每个季节的产品。


春季的主题Aspire to Inspire,我们将洛杉矶知名制作人Nosaj Thing带到现场。

Xander Zhou x S.T.D. Generasian

In April, 2017, S.T.D. worked with Menswear designer Xander Zhou to host [Generasian Party] in Shanghai's legendary night club arkham's new location.

S.T.D. invited kiLLa Brew from Tokyo and other rappers representing the rising Asian Power. On top of that, the invitation-only party gathered the most influential individuals in the areas of fashion, music and culture, and the coolest kids in town.

The party was interrupted by an unexpected surprise when Xander Zhou released the new menswear collection. Xander Zhou and Air Jordan's first collaboration and S.T.D. x Xander Zhou co-branding T-shirt were also released.

2017年4月,S.T.D.与多元星球设计师Xander Zhou携手掀起的「GENERASIAN」超现实亚洲新生代俱乐部在Arkham新址与Z世代的弄潮儿们野雅相见。
来自东京的当红亚洲说唱组合Killa Crew受到S.T.D.的邀请来到现场。
派对当晚的重磅惊喜在Xander Zhou出乎意料的时装发布会中揭秘。
当晚登场的系列包括Xander Zhou 与 Air Jordan IV Pure Money 首度合作系列,以及与S.T.D.合作款Tee。一同登场的还有 Air Jordan XXXI Low Pure Money、Air Jordan I Mid 以及 Xander Zhou为Jordan品牌特别创作的手绘款。

MO&Co.  Future is girls' branding party

MO&Co. teamed up with S.T.D. presented 2 shows themed "Future is GIRLS'" featuring MØ from Denmark 2017 in Beijing and Shanghai.

We produced multiple interactive installations in Tango and Arkham, presenting the coolest live house and a raw CBGB style show.

Cool girls of fashion, music and art circles together with MO Gals, sparkles future sense at the scene, MØ salute to cool girls with 70 minutes long live show!

时尚品牌MO&Co. 联合S.T.D.联合呈现"Future is GIRLS'"丹麦音乐精灵MØ2017巡演北京上海两站。


时尚、音乐、艺术圈的酷女孩们连同MO Gals,在现场碰撞出未来的火花,MØ用70分钟超长现场向酷女孩们致敬!

CHANEL - The Cruise 2017/18 collection After Party

As CHANEL’s main land China official music marketing partner, S.T.D. was in charge of music performance for CHANEL’s 2018 s/s cruise show in Chengdu and Coco Rush event in Beijing.We brought   Lion Babe ,Higher Brothers and  Becky Hill for performance part and we also invited key influential people to represent their consumer markets.

作为香奈儿在中国大陆的官方音乐合作伙伴,S.T.D.为香奈儿在成都的2018春夏度假系列大秀以及Coco Rush系列高级珠宝在北京的活动量身定制了音乐演出。我们找来了来自纽约的知名乐队Lion Babe,中国说唱最强组合Higher Brothers以及英国新声Becky Hill 献上精彩演出,也负责邀请成都和北京最具影响力和消费力的年轻人群体

PUMA KOLs Campaign

PUMA has invited S.T.D. to participate in its latest Campaign, based on our good experience and understanding, KOLs in music and street culture scene has joined the Campaign.

彪马为最新Campaign邀请了S.T.D.  根据对年轻市场的深度理解 我们推荐了数位音乐和街头文化届的KOL

Nike airmax 30 years anniversary campaign

Nike Air Max celebrates its 30 years anniversary in 2017. 

As a part of Air Max's 30 years anniversary campaign S.T.D. selected 6 talented and well-known artists/ producers to produce singles based on 6 different Air Max series in their unique music styles, and collected them into a phenomenal album- remix my AIRS.

To encourage the most users interaction, an H5 page was created and users can customize their own Air Max music through a selection of interesting questions.

Nike Air Max 在2017年迎来其30周年。作为Nike Air Max 30周年庆典的环节之一,S.T.D.挑选了国内才华横溢的知名音乐家制作了一张意义非凡的专辑。

在这张专辑中,6位音乐人将6款不同的Air Max系列用自己独有的风格诠释在六首音乐当中。

为了最大化地增进互动,这张专辑还以H5问答的形式让用户自由搭配属于自己的Air Max音乐。


Celebrating Nike Air Max's 30 years anniversary campaign KISS MY AIRS and promoting Nike Training Club, S.T.D. worked with NTC to organize an unique running & party experience which started with a 5 km night running from Nike's Huaihai road branch, and ended in one of Shanghai's most popular bars Arcade providing participants with all night free drinks and good music.

To make the most exposure and influence in public, S.T.D. invited a group of KOLs in fashion, music and culture industries to join the night. 

作为Nike Air Max 2017年30周年庆典 KISS MY AIRS 的一部分,S.T.D.与Nike Training Club组织了一场结合夜跑与派对的时尚活动。从Nike 淮海路体验店起跑经过5公里后到达Arcade酒吧,所有参与夜跑的成员都能在Arcade享受整晚畅饮与美好音乐。



S.T.D. hosted Acne China's 2017 launch party in Beijing. We invited two music producers Howie Lee and Jeffwhatever who  represent trends in both music and fashion. 

We also invited key influential individuals who lead young consumers' shopping preference to the launch party.

Acne Studio 2017年首次登陆中国的亮相派对由S.T.D.掌舵。

我们邀请了能够代表当下音乐潮流的时尚音乐人Howie Lee和Jeffwhatever也为Acne请来京城最具影响力和消费力的年轻酷炫群体。

李宇春 Chris Lee Project

S.T.D. leveraged talented oversea Producer / MV Director / Visual Designer for Chris Lee’s New Album, You can start wondering the new Chris Lee.

S.T.D.为李宇春新专辑量身定制了全方面的海外创意计划 我们找来了前沿的音乐制作人 / MV导演 / 视觉设计师 你可以开始期待变身后的李宇春了

Adidas original Angelababy x ZHU FW17 Pure Winter Film

S.T.D. curated crossover music video for Adidas Original’s latest winter Superstar Pure Series, featuring Angelababy and ZHU.

S.T.D.为Adidas Original新款冬季夹克策划Angelababy X ZHU的跨界音乐视频

H&M Loves Music

For the last three consecutive years, S.T.D. has taken the lead on H&M's love for music campaign. We've exposed upcoming artists from China and the world to H&M audiences on the mainland. We've also sent reporters to Coachella for the inside scoop and allowed fans to create mixtape covers for their favorite artists. Not to mention throwing some of the biggest parties of the summer with the talented likes of Blood Orange, Tokimonsta, Alunageorge, Yelle and Giraffage in Shanghai, Chengdu, Hongkong and Beijing. 

在过去的三年,S.T.D. 一直在为H&M LOVES MUSIC概念幕后出谋划策。今年我们再次把新兴的中国和海外艺人带到H&M受众的视野。我们安排特邀明星嘉宾经历世界最大音乐节之一Coachella并带回独家报道,H&M LOVES MUSIC的H5音乐创意网站鼓励用户互动为喜爱艺人的mixtape创作封面。最后Blood Orange, Tokimonsta, Alunageorge, Yelle 和 Giraffage 加盟到上海,成都,香港和北京H&M夏季四城巡演,为整个H&M LOVES MUSIC画上美好句号。

See the full photo recap

MO & CO.

In 2015, S.T.D. and Mo & Co. embarked on a creative journey through music and space with the campaign Music to FutureMusic to Future’s focus was to unearth some of China’s top electronic producers with an interactive science fiction backdrop. Via a mobile HTML5 site users were able to create their own short 20 second science fiction GIF complete with their favourite track from a pool of Chinese producers. This concept was later taken on tourin major shopping malls in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou where people could interactively make the gif on site.

2015年,S.T.D. 和 Mo & Co. 一起集思广益将太空和音乐元素结合创作了Music to Future的创意之旅。Music to Future发掘中国顶尖的电子音乐制作人,和互动科学幻想的画面融合。通过手机HTML5网站,用户可以选择喜欢的中国音乐制作人歌曲和20秒太空元素画面创作自己喜欢的GIF分享到自己社交平台。最后我们把这个概念落实到互动太空舱装置,在上海北京广州三地地标性商场进行展览,并把人流带回这个H5站。


VANS - House of vans

Since it's debut in 2014, we've worked closely with Vans in delivering world class musical experiences. We've had the pleasure to lead the music direction and book some truly jaw dropping shows around China. Needless to say House of Vans has been setting it off like a house on fire with acts including Joey Bada$$, Theophilius London,Peaches, Pusha T, Two Fresh, and Tuxedo by Mayer hawthorne and Jack One. 

自2014, 我们与Vans紧密合作为House of Vans打造最兴奋最专业的音乐体验。我们很荣幸为喜欢的品牌一起研究音乐导向和邀请安排知名国内外艺人在中国创造一系列激动人心的时刻,其中包括Joey Bada$$, Theophilius London, Peaches, Pusha T, Two Fresh, Tuxedo by Mayer hawthorne and Jack One.

See the full photo recap


S.T.D. and Converse have been catalysing Chinese youth culture on the street for the better half of the last decade. This includes massive separate national tours with HEALTH, Trashtalk and Thrasher Magazine King of the Road tour, a nationwide band search and a pop-up Rubber Tracks studio in Shanghai and Beijing - these are just some of the examples on how we've encouraged the youth scream and not whimper.

在过去的五年,S.T.D. 和 Converse频频合作共同推进中国的青年文化发展。其中包括HEALTH和Trashtalk的大型全国巡演, Converse与滑板杂志Thrasher共同king of the road巡演,Rubber Tracks在北京和上海的pop-up录音室的制作和全国乐队招募。


Lane Crawford pulled off one of the largest and most talked about store openings in Shanghai for 2013. S.T.D. was an integral player in this and created a pop up Arcade bar complete with standing video game machines. We also supplied our very own R3 to DJ alongside Italian fashion icon Marcelo Burlon.  

2013,连卡佛在上海举办了名声大噪的新店开张活动。 S.T.D.作为重要的拍档在现场呈现了pop-up Arcade酒吧和我们引以为傲的复古游戏机装置。同时S.T.D. 创始人之一R3 作为在上海最具音乐影响力的人物之一和意大利时装标志Marcelo Burlon一同表演。