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Moon Duo & The Yours - Arkham, Shanghai

A psychedelic project of guitarist Ripley Johnson and Sanae Yamada, San Francisco’s Moon Duo fuse futuristic hum with rock 'n' roll haze to create what they call as space rock. Chilly electronic underpins phase throughout their music, inspired by music muses such as Suicide, Spacemen 3, and Silver Apples.

In 2009, the group began releasing 12” vinyls in spurts, coming out with Love on the Sea on Sick Thirst, then with their Killing Time EP on Sacred Bones. After touring incessantly, Moon Duo moved their operation to Berlin to record for their first album Mazes. The release of this album followed widely acclaimed performances in Austin’s biggest music festival SXSW.

Moon Duo’s 2012 album Circles has been highly anointed by Pitchfork for their motoric rhythms, making a little go a long way. Sativa-induced sounds, this is definitely one of kind band you don’t want to miss. Come have a fluid but volatile night with us and Moon Duo on March 22nd. Make sure you strap up for these chaotic but mesmerizing sounds.

Joining them is the "hot and humid, bitter and sweet" sounds of Hong Kong noise pop band The Yours. Their sounds have a fire and wind presence on the stage and have been acclaimed by Dazed and Confused as "East Asia's new wave of talents." Imagine the psychedelic sounds of the Velvet Underground, add the alternative spin of the Smashing Pumpkins and you'll get one of the best indie bands of China.

They have graced the stage with acts such as The Jesus and Mary Chain, the Drums, and the Yuck around the world to prove their talents and now are coming to Shanghai to show us their bright side. Check out the bands debut album "The Way We Were" to hear a little preview for yourself.

With so much musical talent and originality, show up in all your glory and sway in this glory with us!

成军于2009年的Moon Duo如其队名所示是支标准的二人组乐团,其中1/2是大名鼎鼎的新晋迷幻乐团Wooden Shjips的主脑Ripley Johnson,另外的1/2是曾经的中学英语老师Sanae Yamada。这个奇妙组合延续了Wooden Shjips的迷幻曲风,有着明显的Krautrock质感,又有浓厚钉鞋风范,很难将其归入任何一个具体的曲风。出道不久便签入著名的布鲁克林独立厂牌Sacred Bones Records麾下,在2011年出版了第二张专辑Mazes,并邀请到Sonic Boom、Psychic Ills、Purling Hiss等为其作Remix大碟一张。他们破坏流行歌曲的基本结构,用无止的loop、嗡嗡作响的合成器和吉他噪音来布置自己的音场。去年年底发行的行专辑“Circles”有着更大的独立野心,九首选曲短暂精彩,延绵不断,主打单曲“Sleepwalker”携其电影式录影带让人难忘,势将迷幻催眠一做到底。3月的上海之行是Moon Duo亚太巡演的收尾一站,携香港吉他噪音乐队The Yours共同掀翻Arkham。

组队已近十年的The yours是香港独立音乐界里重要的一支乐队,在磨砺良久之后在去年终于推出第一张大碟“The Way We Were”,令翘首期盼了好几年的乐迷得偿所愿。成立初期的The Yours便在香港风生水起,参与了诸多演出,还推出了第一张EP“Abraham”。之后成员几经变化的The Yours在风格上也经历了几番演变,从早期的后朋风范,再至如今的噪音钉鞋主导,乐队现如今已发展至五人阵容,其中更是拥有四位吉他手,真是绝无仅有的一道壮丽风景。在大碟发行初期在南中国的发布会演出,再至Converse“玩到脏”巡演,The Yours已席卷全国,而这次和Moon Duo的联合专场则是乐队第一次来到上海。