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TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES - Arkham, Shanghai

TRIPPPLE NIPPPLES from Tokyo is conceptual art, a dance party and punk rock show all at the same time. A couple months ago, they sold out seven shows in New York and were invited to open for DEVO on an east coast tour. PHARRELL WILLIAMS (N.E.R.D.) is a big fan and looking to collaborate with them later this year. They’re also coming off two successful European tours in 2011, including shows at Lowlands Festival (NL) and Summer Sonic (JP), and a support for DIE ANTWOORD. 
Mind you, this is a band fronted by three Japanese girls who usually go on stage in little more than body paint and costumes they made from the 100 yen store. “Insane” is a pretty overused word these days. It should be reserved for bands like this. 

"Overcaffeinated electronic art rock"--THE NEW YORKER
“Ferociously fast and furious”--THE GUARDIAN
“Full of energy…got the crowd going crazy...amazing” -- PHARRELL WILLIAMS
"Art you can sweat to" MTV IGGY

炭黑面包粉权当粉饼,睫毛上凭空长出艳丽的豹纹羽毛,变形头饰上洁白如雪的奶油爆米花丛里闪烁明灭的LED小灯泡…… 这并非某个激进艺术团体的行为艺术秀场, 而是时下东京炙手可热的合成器朋克怪人帮Trippple Nippples。 错位的妆容倾诉着扭曲的身体政治,辅以扶桑国特产玲珑聒噪,仿佛误入了一片充满崎岖狂想的仙境。

组队已近八年的Trippple Nippples唱片出版寥寥,因为他们最大的精力都被投入到了无限可能的现场表演中。英国卫报说Trippple Nippples的现场是传奇性的,被Vice杂志相中主持东京音乐节目,而美国嘻哈艺人Pharrell Williams更为他们亲自背书,2011年合作了一段关于东京文化的视频。他们最早的成功源于2010年的Summer Sonic,如宇宙怪人般的横空出世令人瞩目,继而展开两次成功的欧洲巡演让他们在西方世界知名度飙升,以致2011年底的纽约7场专场门票全部提前售空。2012年的世界巡演成功无比,Trippple Nippples除了参与了英国的The Great Escape、荷兰的Walk The Line Festival,还在美国的Reed College Renn Fayre Festival和台湾的城市游牧影展开幕式担当压轴。此外为Warp旗下当红乐团!!!、新浪潮老祖DEVO以及嘻哈团体Die Antwood担任暖场。

Earlier Event: January 26
Breakbot & Irfane - Arkham, Shanghai