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Surkin & Strip Steve - Arkham, Shanghai

S.T.D. is celebrating five years of bringing some of the best bands, djs and producers to little ol’ Shanghai. In those five years we’ve partied with acts that include the likes of Ratatat, Boys Noize, Birdy Nam Nam, Tricky, Digitalism, Fucked Up, Shonen Knife, Does It Offend You, Yeah?, Sham 69, HEALTH, Shigeto, Zombie Nation and Is Tropical to name but a few. Add to this list dozens of Chinese bands which were able to find their feet or strut their stuff at an S.T.D. show over the years. We’ve also partied in lighthouses, shopping centres at night, rooftops, warehouses with a tree growing through it and many more throughout China.

Naturally, we are going to celebrate in total S.T.D. style with a line up worthy to be regarded as a mini festival. Noise makers on our two stages include Surkin (Marble Players, France), Strip Steve (Boys Noize Records, France), Queen Sea Big Shark (BJ), Sulumi (BJ), Zalvia-D (BJ) and local acts R3, Linfeng, Ado8, El’se, Downstate, LON, Drunk Monk, Tsuzing and DJ Zammo. We also have visual installations from VJs Cobo, Dara.S, 绵羊and *LLND, limited screenprints from Idle Beats up for grabs, freshly printed S.T.D. shirts designed by Wejun (Guaili front woman) and S.T.D. sticker sheets designed by Jellymon too.

If there is one party during your existence in Shanghai that you can’t miss…this is it. BUT there’s one more small thing…it’s going to be Halloween. That time of year where you cover yourself in blood and glitter and you sweat so hard that your make up is dripping on to someone else…and they love it. Well, we encourage it all. Come in costume, throw down and show us what you got. Prizes will be given out all night.

Oh right, the location….1 Wulumuqi South Road near Hengshan Road in an abandoned club we’ve found. Totally badass. 

Here we are five years later Shanghai. Still giving you all the right reasons to smile in this amazing, fucked up, beautiful city. Come unprotected.

S.T.D在挥霍青春,凝固激情的无数个时髦派对中即将迎来五周年的这个盛大庆典。来自国内外顶尖艺人会在这个年度盛会的梦幻舞台上一展才华。穿上你们超现实的怪诞装扮奔赴这个特别节日,热血激情的 摇滚乐和律动青春的电子乐,重叠,交织,混合在万圣节不眠的夜晚,让人欲罢不能。

是来自法国的electro天才,早期house, NYC freestyle, Miami bass和YMO electropop巧妙融入让他成为全法club趋之若鹜的王牌,在演遍全世界顶级音乐盛会包括富士音乐节,Primavera, Coachell和summersonic之后,2012年他在marble下发布的专辑《USA》更加奠定了他电子新人王的地位。他为Boys Noize, Klaxons, Paul Johnson, Foals, Justice, The Juan Maclean的混音作品在各大音乐网站热门流传。

“DANCE ROCK! 带你领略绝对不一样的21世纪!!”这是一支成立于04年冬的女孩主唱的摇滚乐队,创造着属于他们自己的DANCE ROCK,洗炼直白富于现场表现,具有跳舞音乐的明快节奏与车库音乐的原始粗糙,同时散发着怀旧的气质。

Strip Steve
未成年时便被签入Boys Noize Records旗下,这位来自法国波尔多的90后电子少年天才在电子城柏林全力创造美妙音乐,从Disco到Hip Hop,从House到Techno,无所不能。08年在Boys Noize Records发行了首单,接下来又陆续推出了数张单曲,将Strip Steve带到了一个又一个新高度。

美妙的电子音乐隐藏在轻快的律动与黑暗坚硬的低比特率水果硬糖的面纱后,凭借着他的天赋与热情,00年开始电子音乐创作,02年首次以“Sulumi”的名义制作由“摩登天空”发行的专辑。同年底创建个人电子厂牌 “Shanshui Reords”。

被认为是第一批将Electro Rock/Indie Disco呈 现在中国 观众面前的音乐人,也是去年一年成长最快的电子艺人。R3热衷于将自 己抛掷于疯 狂的人群之中,充 满激情,不知疲惫地与观众互动,他独到的混音技术将现场带入一次又一次的骚 乱。

从早期Garage rock到如今的disco rock不断尝试新的音乐风格增加新的元素,因此迅速的成为上海DJ界的新宠。在他的音乐里除了合成器沉稳跳动的音色外还能找到摇滚乐杀猪般的Riff。

是中国本土的原创电子音乐组合。目前国内唯一活跃着的重型跳舞音乐,当前归属Dying art旗下,音乐里永远没有健康,阳光和优美旋律,需要更多黑暗艺术爱好者的支持和推广


S.T.D X SOUL MOTION(视觉团队)是由极简主义视觉玩家cobo发起的视觉团体。五周年派对,soul motion团队将我我们提供强大的视觉支持!VJ阵容: SOUL MOTION - dora.s // 绵羊 // cobo//LLND

S.T.D X idlebeats丝网印刷海报中国首家独立丝网印刷艺术工作室。专注原创手绘艺术,手工丝印限量艺术版画和音乐海报。 idlebeats专门为S.T.D五周年设计了原创手绘艺术海报。蕴含着设计师与S.T.D的梦幻构思,当晚现场售卖哦。

S.T.D X 文隽(怪力乐队主唱)合作款人兽交缠tee怪力乐队是一个异常热爱美好音乐的左朋克乐队,很有范的女主唱文隽,是充满灵气的艺术家。她的style与我们不谋而 合。这次S.T.D特邀好友文隽亲手操刀,为我们设计了5周年纪念款合作tee。现场有售,不要错过。

S.T.D X 上海本土野兽单身设计师严大发

感谢绝对伏特加对于本次活动的大力支持。同时也感谢我们的合作伙伴JIA SHANGHAI,YKYLM和BONES骑士杂志

Earlier Event: September 29
Digitalism - IBIZA, Shanghai
Later Event: December 1
Tiga - Arkham, Shanghai